Business Info
Tax Eagles is a tax services company in Toronto, Ontario, that provides a wide range of tax services to businesses and individuals. We have a team of experienced tax professionals who are knowledgeable in all areas of tax law and can provide you with the best possible tax solution for your specific situation. To understand more about your individual needs and goals, we provide a free introductory consultation to all new customers at our Canada ca tax centers. We will then tailor a tax plan that is designed to minimize your tax liability and help you save money. We help you get ready for a tax audit, and when it comes, we take care of the process and we defend your interests. We assist you in preparing the evidence requested by the CRA to clear the audit and to save you from having to pay taxes, we reduce your penalties if there are any and we prevent you from being penalized further due to not filing the right paperwork.   Read More

1315 Pickering Pkwy Pickering, Toronto , Ontario, L1V7G5, Canada
Working Hours
Wed: 09:00 am - 06:00 pm