Business Info
Redi-Data helps clients discover new customers with a comprehensive line of healthcare professionals, consumer and business postal and email lists, data services, and direct and digital marketing solutions. We provide affordable solutions to help our clients connect with their target audience with the most accurate lists from the most trusted sources. Coupled with our unparalleled customer service, you won’t find a complete package of data and marketing solutions at a better value anywhere els e. All our databases feature in-depth record profiles, are multi-sourced and verified, multi-channel, and are updated daily for maximum deliverability. As an official licensee of industry-leading sources, such as the AMA and AOA, we deliver postal lists from the top authorities in doctor information. With in-house capabilities, we offer a complete range of data services that can be customized to fit your specific business needs. We have over 20 years’ of experience in the life sciences, pharmaceutical, CME/CE, and specialty markets. Our data professionals will help you develop a marketing strategy that turns the best data into real results.   Read More
107 Little Falls Road, fairfield , New Jersey, 07004, United States
Working Hours
Sat: 09:00 am - 07:00 pm