Business Info
We manufacture and sell Specialty Lifestyle TVs: Mirror TVs, Waterproof TVs, Kitchen Cabinet TVs and Decorative TVs. Since 2008 we’ve been designing, developing, and improving our products with one the aspiration and passion to make the best products in the world for our customers. We document test procedures and real case usage of our products in the environment they were made for. Our products are available from Partners and Distributors worldwide from authorized Partners, Distributors, I nstallers and Authorized Only E-Commerce Sellers in the United States, Canada, France, Germany, Spain, Italy, UK and much of the EU; Israel, Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Dubai and if you can’t find our products where you are located, please contact us.   Read More

4901 Morena Boulevard, suite 206, San Diego , California, 92117, United States
Working Hours
Fri: 09:00 am - 06:00 pm