Business Info
We understand that the arrest of a family member or friend can be a stressful event. We also know that urgent situations like this call for fast and reliable service. That's why the Connecticut Bail Bonds Group was founded, to assist our clients in every aspect of the bail bond. We have the experience and professionalism that every bail bond company should have. With more than a decades worth of experience, we've gained knowledge on the most current law arrests, court procedures, and jail releas e requirements to always provide our clients with the most accurate information. To support our clients, we keep a staff of experienced Connecticut Bail Bonds professionals who always approach every scenario with a can-do attitude and hands-on guidance. If you have been looking for bail bonds near me, not only will you find our team members knowledgeable but you will also discover that our staff truly cares about making your CT Bail Bonds experience a pleasant one.   Read More
237 E Center St, Manchester , Connecticut, 06040, United States
Working Hours
Mon: 24 Hrs -